Decision Intelligence Suite

The fastest way to make AI work for you

Accelerate Al Adoption

Al Products that enable business and technical teams to build, deploy and manage Decision Intelligence Solutions in Production across your enterprise.


Business Value

Trusted and Explainable AI

Rapid Deployment

Accelerated Business Value

Trusted and Explainable AI

Low Code



Continuous Learning

Accelerated Deployment


Because access to Healthcare data is hard, "Discover" prepares and tests local data sets for AI/ML readiness.


Because Healthcare data is fragmented and siloed, "Insights" applies broader data sets to understand the potential business value.


Leverage our capabilities to run and manage AI in production to deliver real-time decisions at speed and scale.

What's Different

Achieve fully-autonomous processes that deliver explainable, transparent and assured real-time
decisions easily using a unique Decision Agent Ecosystem and Decision Intelligence Suite.

Built for

Comes with pre-built assets, pre-trained decision agents, models, ontologies, dictionaries, datasets etc that rapidly accelerate development.

Open, Flexible and

Provides extensibility across all features enabling extreme flexibility to customize for specific enterprise needs.

Agent Driven

The Unique Agent driven architecture enables decision based data routing and in-memory task execution to deliver real time decisions.


Enables the fastest path to get Healthcare AI into production and allows enterprises to take control of their AI.

Real Al Impact

Get results right away with our proven healthcare solutions for Payers and Providers. Powered by
Decision Agents, our solutions are customizable to your needs and workflow, ensuring faster time-to-value
Get results right away with our proven healthcare solutions for Payers and Providers. Powered by Decision Agents, our solutions are customizable to your needs and workflow, ensuring faster time-to-value
0.2 K
Transactions per second
0 ms
0 Bn
Annual Healthcare Decisions

Make Real-Time Healthcare Decisions

We have the technology, strategy, and domain expertise to help you make the most of AI.