Accelerate AI Adoption

Master Enso to build and deploy AI faster

Enso Training and Certification

Welcome to Exponential AI’s comprehensive training and certification program designed to empower AI and IT professionals with the expertise to utilize the Enso Decision Intelligence Platform fully.

Our platform allows you to effortlessly build domain-specific AI/ML/IDP solutions by breaking down complex problems into manageable decision sets expertly handled by intelligent agents. Fine-tune agents for specific use cases, while enabling them to consume feedback, ensuring optimal performance.

Experience the future of healthcare with ENSO – Join us in revolutionizing the industry today!


Implement Real-time AI

Enable Real-time Decisions across Clinical, Administrative and Operational Healthcare Processes.

Unlock Net New Savings

Build solutions that drive better outcomes and net-new savings for healthcare organizations using AI.

Accelerate AI Adoption

Accelerate and industrialize AI adoption in healthcare using the Enso platform and solutions.


Module 1

ENSO Platform Overview View Details

  1. Explore real-world sample solutions showcased on the website, demonstrating ENSO’s prowess in healthcare.
  2. Understand the core capabilities of ENSO, including advanced orchestration of Rules and Machine Learning Models.
  3. Gain insights into ENSO’s document digitization feature, facilitating seamless data extraction from structured and unstructured documents.
  4. Discover how ENSO streamlines complex workflows, reducing manual intervention and enhancing operational efficiency.
  5. Learn how ENSO’s versatile toolkit empowers users to address diverse healthcare challenges easily.

Module 2

Introduction to Solutions in ENSO View Details

  1. Grasp the concept of Decision Agents within ENSO that drive data-driven decision-making.
  2. Understand how Decision Agents combine pre-built capabilities and custom code to achieve tailored solutions.
  3. Explore the power of feedback loops in refining Decision Agents, improving accuracy and performance over time.
  4. Discover how Decision Agents revolutionize decision-making, enabling users to focus on strategic insights.

Module 3

OrchestrationView Details

  1. Learn the step-by-step process of configuring and deploying Decision Agents within ENSO for specific use cases.
  2. Gain proficiency in customizing Decision Agents to meet unique business requirements, enhancing adaptability.
  3. Understand the seamless integration of out-of-the-box capabilities with pre-built models, rules and custom code to optimize performance.
  4. Explore the user-friendly interface that enables efficient interaction and management of Decision Agents.
  5. Master the art of effectively using Decision Agents to achieve desired outcomes, streamlining healthcare operations.

Module 4

Document DigitizationView Details

  1. Learn how to construct specialized Decision Agents to extract valuable data from structured and unstructured documents.
  2. Understand the process of fine-tuning pre-built machine learning models to tailor them for specific healthcare use cases.
  3. Understand how business rules can be used as part of the digitization process
  4. Discover how to provide feedback to Decision Agents, fostering continuous improvement and enhanced accuracy.
  5. Empower yourself to build high-performing Decision Agents capable of delivering precise insights from unstructured data sources.

Module 5

MonitoringView Details

  1. Gain expertise in monitoring and analyzing decisions made by Decision Agents, ensuring transparency and accountability.
  2. Understand the importance of configuring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to track the efficiency and effectiveness of agents.
  3. Explore how to leverage ENSO’s automatic data drift detection to ensure the longevity of machine learning models.
  4. Learn to interpret data drift reports and make informed decisions to maintain model accuracy over time.
  5. Harness the power of continuous monitoring and data drift detection to sustain high-quality healthcare AI/ML solutions.

Latest Updates

The most recent beneficiaries of our training are a group of IT professionals from PwC Consulting.

Enroll Now!

Join us in transforming healthcare with AI. Leverage Enso to operationalize AI and make it a core competence
for healthcare organizations.Begin your journey towards becoming a certified Enso professional.

Join us in transforming healthcare with AI. Leverage Enso to operationalize AI and make it a core competence for healthcare organizations.Begin your journey towards becoming a certified Enso professional.

To enroll or for more information, please get in touch with us at